Monday, April 20, 2009

What is the main idea of this picture?


Anonymous said...

The man looks like he is poor and he is in a communis country.The man looks like he's mad or sad.

Fabian said...

I tink this old man is living in the street because he is dirty.

Anonymous said...

I think this photo is rilley good it shows that this person is sad or mad .this is probly a pore man and he needs money and care and love.hes probly tring to get some food or tisho.the man is sad by his eyes and his close .his mom and dad is probly,monshella

Anonymous said...

I tihnk this man is a poor person or maybe in a protest for somthing
like for letting poeple poor poeple get poor and not helping.

April22,2009 Anuli

Shakema said...

This picture remind me of a protest and everyone in the background is against the man in front of the picture.

arisbeth said...

Think the man in this picture is mad at something or someone.

alan said...

i thin that he is about to sleep and that he is like a hobow that lives in the streets

Jamal said...

I think that this man is mad at something. And that they are protesting at someone or something.

By Jamal 4/22/09

Dominique said...

The man in that picture look like he had just came from some where and got upset.